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Formance Stack Authentication

Authentication types

Formance Cloud exposes the same authentication types as Formance Stack. You can use the same authentication types in your Formance Cloud application as you would in a locally hosted Formance Stack, as described in the Formance Stack Authentication documentation.

In addition to those authentication types, Formance Cloud also makes it easier to provision OAuth2 clients, and to generate M2M and personal JWT tokens.

Creating clients

The following command creates a new OAuth2 client with the name my-backend:

fctl auth clients create my-backend

Now, we can use the returned client ID to create a secret for the client:

# Replace <your-client-id> with the client ID returned by the previous command
fctl auth clients secrets create <your-client-id> default-secret

You should get an output like this:

ID    | <your-secret-id>
Name | default-secret
Clear | 1234567-xxx-yyy-zzz-12341234

Take note of the secret ID and the clear text secret. It will only be shown once and you will not be able to retrieve it later. This is the secret that you'll be able to use in your application to get a JWT token with the client_credentials OAuth2 grant type.


It is recommended to create as many secrets as you have separate applications that need to access Formance Cloud. This way, you can revoke a secret without affecting other applications.

Machine-to-machine Authentication

Formance Cloud exposes the /api/auth/oauth/token token generation endpoint that you can use to generate a JWT token with the client_credentials OAuth2 grant type.

http \
post 'https://<your-sandbox-id>' \
grant_type=='client_credentials' \
client_secret=='18bc5303-62ca-4ad9-a822-a1f883abbd19' \

Personal authentication

To authorize API calls from the command line, you can to generate an access token. These tokens expire after 5 minutes.

FORMANCE_TOKEN=$(fctl cloud generate-personal-token)

This saves the personal token into an environment variable called FORMANCE_TOKEN that we can use in further command lines. We can check the contents of the envronment variable to be sure that we have a valid token like this:


You should see a very long string of random characters that looks like this:


If you see something else, such as an error message, make sure you have a sandbox environment set up first.